Attendees from out West (excluding California and Washington)
Arizona: |
LeeNy has lived in Phoenix for the past year, but before that, was a 23-year resident of Washington, and consequently hates the desert. She has a B.A. in Theatre Arts from CWU, where she had a gothic radio show on KCWU, the campus station, and a certificate in digital video (AVID) from a graphic design school in Tempe. She became a net.goth after joining the AZgoth mailing list, and her goal is to move back home to Seattle just in time to enjoy Convergence and harrass her old roommate, the infamous +Ren+. She works as a transcriber, but is looking forward to future jobs in Web design and theatrical sound design. She has a passion for music and movies, especially Star Wars. She has also been accused of being *perky*. (E-mail her.) |
Cindy (aka gloombunny) writes:
"well seeing as how I will be living in pheonix again before I go to this con I am sending this for the arizona one (that and poor leeny looks all lonesome). I knew the infamaous ren and I used to be somebody! now I am hiding out in texas for school but moving back to AZ for ( you guessed it ) more school my major is..um..when I think of one I will get back to someone.... and I went to seattle in december and fell in love with it (yes they too servived Y2K) and I miss all my old Az haunts. I would start a mailing list for my area but I am the only goth in livingston texas so there would be one person and events like: commune with the llamas and listen to the cures album kiss me kiss me kiss me 18 times. But in any case I am just about as mopey angsty grief you can get altho' I was accused of being perky when I lived in arizona and had a life ..... oh as a sidenote the most famous graduate from anjalina junior college where I attend is the undertaker ( the wrestler) and we are oh so proud of that (yes this is sarcasm at its best)." |
A Canadian transplant in the deserts of Arizona, Kylldoran is making the trek up to Seattle for this year's Convergence with a handful of the AZgoth crew in tow. His hopes for C6 are to meet new people, reacquaint himself with everyone he met at C5 and become adjusted to Seattle, as this trip signifies his moving away from the vast sandy wastes of Arizona and into the rainforests of the Pacific Northwest. |
Darkstar and ~Jeremy are a crusty and a mopey from Tempe. ~Jeremy works for Earthlink, in the broadband installation support division. Darkstar is a senior at ASU singing opera. This will be our first Convergence, and we're quite looking forward to it! Um. That's all, i guess. See you kids there! (E-mail Kara or Jeremy.) |
Having sworn several times in the past that he would never make it to a Convergence (and there was much rejoicing), a new job, complete with more money, vacation time, and a nifty bonus, conspired to make
Pariahic, aka Gregg, break his vow...so blame his employer, not him. (E-mail.) |
Ben grew up in Tucson, AZ and has recently moved to Phoenix, AZ where he is currently doing tech support and web page design. In August he will be moving to Seattle,WA and looks forward to a position with an ISP in administration. Andrea is originally from Phoenix, AZ and has been there her entire life, she is currently studying at Phoenix College and working for USWEST. She will be trasfering down to the University of Washington with Ben in August. Ben and Andrea met six months ago and are engaged to be married sometime next April... They both enjoy music, dancing, writing and above all else, each other's company. Ben is an talented poet and writer and Andrea excels in art, singing and song writing. We look forward to meeting everyone and I,(Andrea) look forward to my fiance getting hammered into the dust whilst participating in a drinking contest (Empty's Note: Bah. That French Canadian wussy-boi is going *down*. Even if it is a Pyrrhic victory.). :P (E-mail them.) |
Spider writes: "Okay, you want to find me, I'll be the cracked out, way to perky, loud, rude, crude, obnoxious, incredibly drunk one running around looking like I just stepped out of an anime or a hick bar. Or half dressed...
::Shrug:: I hail from all over including a stint in Seattle for a while, I currently live in Gothic Hell and am trying to find a way to get the hell outta the USA..." (E-mail her.) |
Colorado: |
Sarahmonster muses: "I've been involved in the goth scene for twelve years, and before that I was immersed in the hardcore punk lifestyle. I'm still a punk at heart in that I detest pretentious behavior and the dishonesty of illusion. I've always been drawn to the perverted innocence of the Addams Family, and the mysterious beauty of Siouxsie. The uncanny intonation and sweet melodies of Faith & the Muse, Sunshine Blind, Mephisto Walz, and the list goes on, appealed to me on a deeper level than my previous hardcore interests. This will be the first Convergence I could afford to attend, though since their inception I've dreamed of going. I'll be attending with my three dear friends, Miz Aimee Hemlock, Scott Hemlock, and Crispy, hearse driver extraordinaire. Anyone who owns a hearse, please approach us during the events so Crispy can talk to you. I'm in a wheelchair, and seem to be the sole net.goth wheelchair user in attendance, which will hopefully make me easier to spot . Please introduce yourself, particularly if you're cute, female, and single... sorry, couldn't resist. I was involved with the indie comic book industry when I lived in Michigan, and now devote myself to novel writing and poetry. I run the official Faith & the Muse mailing list and IRC server, so anyone curious please write me for information. I'm post-poning my 28th birthday from May 9th to celebrate it at Convergence, so surprise me with random acts of debauchery and stimulating conversation on music, the state of man, and the universe." (E-mail her.) |
Crispy is just an old freak from the crotch of the Bible Belt(a.k.a. Tulsa) now living in Denver, Co. (E-mail him.) |
Jilette / sepos / ZiZ is eclectic, insomniac, techie geek; Musical, poetic, artistic, freak! (E-mail him.) |
the hemlocks will probably be near the bar. (E-mail them.) |
Meaux (with Kent) writes: "This is our first Convergence!!! And we are both looking forward to meeting so many of our net friends in RL. We spend WAY too much time online - I work for a software company and Kent is an eBay power seller. It will be a kick to have some face to face interaction with new people." (E-mail Meaux.) |
Chelsea writes: "I live in Denver, I'm a technical trainer for a large corporate death machine (hence the Corporate Goth affiliation), I'm married to a (normal) writer, I'm an uber-elder-goth (way too old to be telling my age, in other words)" (E-mail her.) |
Steven Dzilvelis aka Darth writes: "Not just another elder-yuppie-goth... I co-organize the annual Denver Gothnic( http://get.to/Gothnic ). Originaly from Miami, FL. I appreciate good vodka." (E-mail him.) |
Idaho: |
Raine writes: "I am a technical writer and owner of a jewelry business - Century Gothic Originals. I live in Boise, but will be moving to Spokane (oh joy!) in March with my husband Bruce. I have a B.A. in Communication and have worked in a variety of fields besides writing including banking and P.R. Currently, I am hoping to achieve ultimate happiness by continuing efforts to grow my business and help Bruce with his software business. I have never been to Convergence, so I am greatly looking forward to the experience and meeting a lot of interesting people. Seattle is much like a second home to me since I have family and friends there. Boise rather lacks a sense of any appealing aesthetic or culture, and this has isolated me a great deal, so I am immeasurably excited to immerse myself in a Goth-filled weekend." Raine is bringing her husband (software engineer, musician, confidante, and best friend) Bruce along too. |
Montana: |
Ashlar is coming from Montana with his housemate William. He'll be staying with Misery at the Crowne Plaza. This is his first Convergence and is looking forward to spending some with his favorite girlie and getting his hair done by VAIN |
Jason writes: "Not much of a scene here (though there is an awsome cathedral), so me and my cohorts are looking to expand our dark horizons. Our first convergence, glad it is in Seattle (hope it rains!). After all the fun is over, we hope to check out some of the local cemeteries." |
New Mexico: |
Celine writes: Years ago I used to post as 'revmom' now I just use 'Celine'. I live in Albuquerque NM, this will be my first convergence, as an eldergoth (as in was there in the early 80's, going to clubs in LA and scaring the punk-rockers) I felt I was too old but people have been so lovely that I felt I must go. Can't wait for the cruse and I have heard rumors about goth-belly dancing, so I am sure that I will have a wonderful time." Send Celine some email. |
Oklahoma: |
Morticia/Gramarye/Josephine writes: "This is my first time at Convergence, and my first time in Seattle. I'm not at all sure what to expect. But I'm really looking forward to finding out. I'll be going alone and staying at the Crowne Plaza. I'll be on the cruise too. If you see me, say hi as I'm probably too shy...or maybe not. :) I'll see you all there!" |
Kath writes: "This will be my second convergence, C5 in New Orleans was my first... This time, I'm dragging my husband along... and Metamorph (whom I met at C5, ironically since we both live in Oklahoma) is coming with us. I'm the maskmaker at Luna & Solara Designs...and I'll be vending while my husband and Metamorph are wandering around Seattle. Please say hello if you recognize me." Email her. |
Metamorph writes: "Yes. I am going to be there! *bounce*
Thanks to Kath & her hubby's wonderful generousity, I will be there to torment one and all! Spotting a Metamorph will be a little harder this time. I'm leaving my daughter at home and my hair will be boring and ordinary. No pretty colors. *pout* But, I will still do my favorite things.. Dragging the Shy Ones out of the Corners and being Obnoxiously Happy and Friendly! Woo Hoo! *Bounces* See you all in two weeks!" Email her. |
Oregon: |
John writes: Hello to all the wonderful ppls coming to Convergence 6 this will be my very first time at anything like this Im from the great city of Portland Oregon...Im into web design n music production but really love to be dancing mostly cause used to be an go go dancer..I hope to meet some very wonderful females who are truly romantics that truly like dancing... |
Miss Alexis is attending convergence with Sarah, (whom she lovingly refers to as oatmealhead) and looks forward to meeting nice people who don't yell. She is moving to Seattle in june, but has no friends in the area yet. hopefully, that will be fixed at this event. She works part-time as a gardener at Par Gardens bed and breakfast hotel, and part time at a travellers reservation service. |
Kitte Ka'at writes: "I and my 12 year old daughter, Roxanne, will be coming up from Eugene Oregon. We are both very excited as this is our very first Convergence ever. We look forward to meeting many spooky folks!!" Email her. |
Marshall is the producer/keyboardist for Sumerland, and writes: "I absolutely love meeting new people and dancing, dancing, dancing! This will be my first convergence... Sumerland will be playing a show in PDX thurs 5-25 which all are invited to attend. Email him. |
Texas: |
Batty from Houston writes: "I am self-proclaimed perky goth royality (yes we are many and shall one day rule the world and abolish all that is mopey). I design clothing for my own company called Azrael's Accomplice and attended and vended at C5 last year. This will be my 2nd convergence that I will be vending and attending and I look forward to meeting many new faces from AGF and the rest of the net. Although I have been accused of being insane I'll talk to anyone that can stand my flurry of pink, glitter, and occasional bouts of fashion police snobbery =)" |
Jett Black keeps a contact lists and stuff prepared for musicians, and writes: "The links I have listed below will give you a general idea of the musical styles that I deal with most. Interactive communications, collaborations, and progressive developments tend to characterize the concepts I promote. I wish to see more vitality and independence in the underground. More stability. I want to see the LIVE music scene thrive and provide great opportunities for musicians in local scenes everywhere to affordably travel and market their music without sacrificing all profits from their productions. I want the independent musician to be able to make it in the business without signing their music away in contracts to greedy conglomerates. Plenty of resources are now available to choose from in making these concepts successful in music. I'd like to see more and more communication about resources shared. And that's the nature of what I do most... promote the development of centers where such resources are communicated and shared. I also write music interviews and assist in the distribution of promos to on-line and off-line magazine editors for review and exposure of music as inexpensively as can be managed." Jett's links: GothCon 2000 in Atlanta in Mid-March, Nocturnal Movements, and the Desert Goth mailing list. |
E.L.R.I.A. or wylie reeves writes: "My name is Wylie and this outrageously pretentious photo was taken of me at C5--where I had a brilliant time! I really enjoyed meeting so many wonderful folks and can't wait to goth again (like we did last year! :) Those of you with punk/goth crossover interest, can email me for a demo cd of my band." |
Angelica and Phil
attended their first convergence last year and loved it! They are looking forward to C6, although Angelica swears that she will not buy giant platform boots and wear them for 13 hours straight, as was done at C5! Phil and Angelica are currently restoring their Victorian home, which they rescued 2 years ago after it had fallen into neglect. Phil is known to some as the "Gothic Bob Vila!" Angelica is an early childhood special ed teacher who loves her work and calls it "anarchy in the PreK!" She would love to meet fellow teacher-goths.
(E-mail them.) |
Lisa and Lee write: "YOWSA! Our second Convergence in as many years! We are teachergoths who love literature,symmetry, art,velvet, MUSIC (any cocteau twins or zoviet france fans out there?) and just about anything from the Regency and Victorian eras (romanticized versions of same, with air conditioning, please!). We look forward to accosting friendly folks with a howdy and a SMILE. YAY! See y'all there!! xxxxxx"
Galadriel aka Elizabeth writes: "I am a Kiwi who has been living in Austin for about 4 years now. Regular in the Ausgoth scene and attended C5. I'm no good at writing these things. :)" |
Amy Lin aka moses writes: "I'm the moses on the left of the photo, not the Moses on the right. An easy way to tell us apart is that a) I have hair and he doesn't, or b) I am female and he is male. I can also be found in the company of a tall chinese boy with lovely long black hair. Anyway, I've been hanging around a.g.* on and off for almost 5 years now. This will be my fifth convergence, second only to EdVamp for attendance records. ;) If you see me sitting alone, please approach me. I'm probably shier than you, though I may put on a brave face occasionally. Please also grab me and/or hubby for meals! We love to join groups and meet people, but we always manage to miss out. I will also be in serious need of some partying at C6 - the last several months at my job in Space Flight Training have been sheer hell (which is why I'm quitting and moving to the Silicon Valley as soon as I can get a job, if not sooner). Please grab me and force non-beer-flavored alcohol down my throat. Do not let me go to bed before 2, if before 6! Um...yeah! I'm happy to talk about astronaut training and Space Station stuff if you corner me, though you might get the embittered version. =) And for those who get confused, I'm strawberry blonde this year." |
cassandra solvent writes: "i am originally from carbondale, ill-noize, but now i live in texas with ross. i am obsessed with new wave music & trivia, vultures & grackles, thomas chatterton, british culture, and buying records. i plan to stay drunk the entire convergence weekend. you can e-mail me at csolvent@aol.com) |
ross hartshorn writes: "sadly, i am without talent of any note, including talent for writing brief descriptions of myself. i am often described by others as rational or analytical. on the other hand, my friends will say they "rossed it up" when they describe a failed enterprise of some sort. i prefer celtic influenced music, fantasy illustration, archaic clthing styles, and knowing entirely too much tolkien trivia. you can e-mail me at rharts1012@aol.com. |
Mairi aka Galatea writes: "I am a literary glittergoth, a geek (I'm a technical writer at a software company by day), a Francophile, a catmother, a costumer, a double-bassist, a Cocteau Twins fanatic and a worshiper of e. e. cummings. I'm also a huge gearhead, so if you're interested in talking about the inner parts of cars (particularly late 70s Trans Ams!) I'd be thrilled. I have a website, but it is crappy and outdated. When I stop practicing procrastination, www.mairi.net will be alive. C6 will be my second Convergence, and I'm coming with fellow Goth Scouts Wylie (L-RIA), Andre, Xtine, Jihad, and Meekay. Look for us with the big friendly contingent of "Gothneck" Texans sporting Fields of the Nephilim-esque attire. (It will have to be seen to be believed, I think.)" (E-mail her.) |
Lane writes: "I work for an internet broadcasting company, and I am the bass player for The Confessionals, a new band out of Dallas. This is my first Convergence, then I'm off to L.A. for a week. I can't wait to meet all of you!" (E-mail Lane.) |
Utah: |
Madelyn (originally from Louisiana) is a gothic DJ for the aliens at Area 51 (see Submersion), an ethnic dancer, director of the volunteer community service organization Utah GOTHICS, and awfully perky for her advanced age. She works as a Lotus Notes programmer and website designer, has a B.A. in Anthropology and an M.A. in English and Folklore, and designed this page (as well as the Utah GOTHICS and Utah.Goth mailing list pages). She'll be one of the Bat Van drivers, travelling with Anthony, Chad, and Jeff and whomever else rides in the Bat Van. This is her second Convergence, and she hopes to meet more people this time around! Madelyn will be staying in the official hotel with Anthony, and room-sharing with Silence (and we do have an extra space right now). For the Seance, she'll be a dead Elizabethan, in a gown made by Maxie (below). Oh, and she's beside herself with joy at finding out she'll be DJing with Catherinna and slowdive at the Elder Ball on Friday night! |
Anthony, Madelyn's catamite (except now he's 21), is a self-described geek, and will talk to you about anything as long as it relates to computers or physics (actually, he's pretty shy unless those are the topics). He works for an aerial mapping company, serves up non-alcoholic drinks to the aliens at Area 51 at night, and doesn't mind being dominated. He is also a past director of Utah GOTHICS and runs the Utah.Goth mailing list. This is his second Convgerence, and he'll be riding in the Bat Van. |
Jeffrey Carlisle (seen on goth message boards as The Blair Witch and Aziraphale) is quite a telented upstart photographer. His prints have been seen in Ghastly Magazine, SLUG Magazine and he is occasionally featured in some of Salt Lakes more notorious galleries. Most of his favorite works can be found at http://talk.to/the_dead. Jeff prefers traveling by air most of the time but has made an exception this year to road trip with all of his wild friends in the soon to be rented "Bat Van." God have mercy on all of us if Jeff takes the wheel... Jeff is going to Seattle in search of his long lost friends Donya and Stacey. |
Chad Painter, another Bat Van driver, is a network administrator at a software development company in Salt Lake, and has a B.S. in Electronic Engineering but has stated many times "No, I will not fix your (insert electronic equipment here)". Like many others he has sought gainful employment outside of his major. Presently his hobbies include learning piano and devoting time to a Gothic Volunteer community service organization, for which he serves as Treasurer. He originates from New Mexico but has lived the majority of his life in Idaho, Utah, and Louisiana. Chad just recently rejoined the scene after a 8 year sabbatical ("Hey, sue me! I got lost for a while!") This will be his first Convergence and he looking forward to meeting new friends. |
"Maxie" Downs grew up in Minnesota, moved to San Francisco, went on a road trip and ran out of gas in Utah. The shock eventually wore off and she set up camp in Salt Lake City. She currently works as a marketing coordinator for a leasing company by day and as a freelance artist/illustrator by night. Some of her artwork can be seen at http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Coffeehouse/6730. She also works as a director for the volunteer community service organization Utah GOTHICS, is an avid belly dancer, bookworm, corset enthusiast, seamstress, and accordion player (oh no, another perky goth). She often lurks around IRC (mostly on #Mindvox) as adler and at http://www.staylace.com as Lysteria. She will be traveling to C6 in a Bat Van full of goths despite her lingering anxiety about road trips. This is her 2nd Convergence.
Sable and Natalie (a.k.a. hevensent) no longer have to worry about school or finances and are finally able to attend their first Convergence. They will be staying at the host hotel and eating plenty of fresh seafood while in town. During events, you can find Sable stumbling around with a Black Orchid in hand. Natalie is the poppin' fresh blonde at the bar doing shots of tequila. Although they are looking forward to making new friends at C6, you will probably have to introduce yourself more than once. Unfortunately, they will probably be too drunk to remember meeting you the first time. |
Tracy aka Lady Victoria writes: "This is my first Convergence and I am thrilled to be attending. It is purely through the kindness of friends. I'm also excited to get back up to Seattle, my old stomping grounds. I'm really hoping to run into many of old friends that I've lost touch with. So, by the way, of any of you know Alex McColley, could you tell him I'm trying to hunt him down? See you all there. oh. If you have AOL or AIM, I can be found online almost constantly under the screen name torianight." (E-mail her.) |
In typical fashion Alanja (pictured here with Tony who has no bio but will be at C6, too) has waited till the last minute to do this, hopefully she will make it to more than the last hour of the events and not miss the cruise (can't wait!). She has chosen to die in a firey plane crash rather than subject her friends in the Bat Van to her inability to cope with roadtrips. Alanja has never attended Convergence before but since her family and some friends inhabit Seattle she couldn't pass it up this year. Alanja is a "factory goth" working for Fuji who likes to tend her overwhelming rose garden, work with G.O.T.H.I.C.S., throw crazy parties, drink vodka and generally harass everyone, especially her friends. (E-mail her.) |
Dawn aka Grannybat came to goth late in life, when she pounced upon the volunteers from Utah G.O.T.H.I.C.S. last summer in a desperate attempt to save Salt Lake City's only public rose garden (R.I.P). She was so thrilled to find kindred souls that she converted to The Dark Side without a backward glance. A native of Hawaii, Dawn has survived the last 18(!) years behind The Zion Curtain; she is thus too depressive to qualify as a true perkygoth. (If you want to see her mope, ask how the job search is going.) She is an intermittent contributor to the Utahgoth list. Her passions include vintage clothing, danse orientale, rose gardening (still), and various forms of needlework. She frequently plays Professional Aunt to gothlettes. Dawn is attending her first Convergence in hopes of finding other babybats with natural silver in their hair. [Photo by Jeffrey Carlisle] (E-mail her.) |
Chesh writes: "this is my first convergance. i've lived in utah for about a year and am fairly active in the scene there, although my life has been languishing of late... i like all things sparkly, and really have a taste for most everything. say hi and give me a hug! |
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