California: |
Edward and Mystress Prynne write: "This will be our 3rd Convergence. We are traveling from our evil and sinister little cave in Hollywood, CA. Edward is a musician, and very talented artist and Mystress Prynne is an Architect for Sony Pictures. She also has a burgeoning fashion design business on the web. Together Edward and Mystress Prynne have a fetish based web business where they sell implements of a menacing nature. All of our websites can be accessed through" |
Exsilium is a dark electro/industrial project of Aaron Hatfield and Alex Vazquez from the San Fransisco Bay Area. They will be attending Convergence VI for both the experience as well as to promote their music. "We are particularly interested in this Convergence experience, as we will be relocating ourselves to Seattle only a month after, in June of 2000" says Aaron. "We hope to meet all the new faces before we head up there, and begin to establish ourselves in the local scene." More info on Exsilium can be obtained on their official homepage at
iluminaria is from sunny southern California and sometimes feels like a walking contradiction...on weekends, she's out having good craic (that's a good time) at clubs and shows; during the week, she's teaching fourth grade at a public school. It's an interesting mix. il also loves people, enjoys collecting clothes, books and email addresses, spends quite a bit of time tooling around the net, and is plenty happy to be playing hooky to go to her first Convergence. |
mashka is a happy, bouncey perkycostumergofftypeperson from the electoral vote bonanza that is known as california. she is currently finishing her final year of law school, at the end of which she will be free of the clutches of the legal establishment and on her way to c6! mashka is also a dilettante/poseur with a penchant for historical corsets, old buttons, cardigan sweaters, cats, and the pretentious...overuse...of...ellipses. |
Talaitha & Otterley, From the San Francisco Bay Area, are mostly going because Attrition's playing :P. Talaitha is a web content engineer for a Roaming-ISP provider co., & Otterley is a Sys Admin. at another local co. Staying at the Crowne Plaza most likely along with Elemental. |
Spiggy and Halo are partners in crime from Sunnyvale, CA. This will be their first Convergence. Halo is a sociology student at Santa Clara University, works at a High School and is a rabid Tim Burton fan. Spiggy is the frontman for the band Dreams of the Fall. They are both looking forward to exploring Seattle and meeting and greeting new and old friends. Come up to us, bum a clove and say "hi!" |
Michael "No Gothic Nicknames Needed" is not really goth, but plays one on tv. Well.. not really, but he does hang out in the L.A. Club scene with OC's resident Perkygoth and his followers/hangeroners.. whatever. :) |
Saralinde will be attending her first Convergence ever this year. She's going with Miss Alexis and will probably be found hiding in dark corners (she's shy). She can also be found working at TheGothicShoppe booth - she's the literary editor for |
Kenn/elemental is from the Los Angeles area, and can usually be found at work at a large ISP. This is his second Convergence, his first being C5 in NOLA. He will be arriving in Seattle on Thursday the 25th, and staying with Talaitha and Otterly at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. |
Mystique writes: "OK, so I am known as "Mystique" or just plain Shawn and I am from the San Francisco Bay Area. This will be my first time though I've intended to go far too long. I practice the ubiquitous city occupation of programming. My passion though lies in creative ventures. I live to dance, sing and enjoy crafting music. I am a freewheeling spirit who laps up the abundant revelry of the scene out here. I hope to twirl alot during Convergence and meet mesmerizing creatures." |
Patricia writes: " I am from the San Francisco Bay Area and this will be the second convergence I have attended. I spend my time going to law school in San Francisco specializing in Intellectual Property Law and will finish by next year. I look forward to meeting new people in the oh so fabulous city of Seattle. " |
CeilidhKat (pronounced kay-lee-kat) aka-Dania writes: "I will be attending my second Convergence. I went last year and had to do it again! I hail from sunny southern California. I'm an artist with my degree in illustration and a taste for fantasy art. I'm currently trying to find a real bloody job in web design or graphics. I will be putting up some of my work on my site soon. I've been into the Gothic thing for many years and grew up in the LA/Hollywood club scene. I'm into art, books, cinema, shows, costumes, corsets, music, etc." |
Chaos Monkey aka Alex J. Van Wey is a Chaos Magician and Musician - recently a "born again goth"... or what that just be "dead again"? See bio info at about azi and about vajravai
banshee hasn't posted to alt.gothic in years, though long ago he took a perverse delight in starting threads like "Bauhaus Sucks" and "Damn But Gene Simmons is Goth". Another of the teeming Bay Area sprawl of professional keypunchers, John finds delight and solace in less virtual pursuits: reading, gardening, ballroom dancing, historical costuming, and irish whiskey to name a few. Until now hes been too lazy to attend Convergence, but hes all a-twitter at the prospect of entering the locus of spookiness. John claims to be going to dance, but secretly he's wife-shopping. |
Vann is a 6'5" wannabegoth. He did not send a photo. |
Laura / spacekadt / labbie writes: "Hmmm... I'm not really good at these things. Suffice to say this will be my first convergence and I can't wait!" (E-mail her.) |
CyberKitty aka Alley writes: "I will be working the booth with Leonardo from TheGothicShoppe and this will be my first convergence!"
Meagan aka Defect or Mourne, is an 18-year old industrial goth originally from Portland, OR. She writes, "I am a computer nerd musician with a smart ass, witty sense of humor. I love to socialize and meet new people..." (E-mail her.) |
ratty maudlin sleeket aka ratling writes: "I never, ever, ever look this innocent. ;> The Diva Posse will be back at Convergence, new, improved, with more Diva Flavor. Those who know...well. Maybe my boobs will make another appearance this year..." |
voodoo and mizzuz voodoo reside in san francisco, where among other interests, they run a once a month deathrock club known as house of voodoo. convergence vi will be their second convergence (they also attended cv), and will be their first visit to seattle. the voodoos are looking forward to meeting many old and new friends in seattle. while at convergence, the voodoos will be staying at the crowne plaza hotel. to meet the voodoos or to see whats up at house of voodoo, visit (E-mail them.) |
Auros Symtheos describes himself: "Goth geek. Often flirty, yet shy when cornered. Wears assorted serpent/dragon jewelry (including the dreaded pointy dragon brass belt buckle). Warning, incorrigible punster; do not incorrige. Babble-bunny extraordinaire. Likes caffeine, not alcohol. Ex-Microserf (I was young and needed the money; anyways I know a little about Seattle as a result. Gotta love the Mercury.) Obsessed with hair. (Oo, can I comb that out for you?) May sing (goth or otherwise) at unexpected moments. There are sadly no up-to-date photos of me. But I'm a pretty stereotypical gothboi anyways -- tall, thin, moustache and goatee, shoulder-length dark hair..." |
Vaclav aka Lathander is a 20 year old electronic/experimental male musician living in southern California. You can listen and download his music if you click here. (E-mail him.) |
Bay area born and raised, now residing and going to school in Santa Cruz, tart is happy she found the time and an okay (but recent) photo of herself (of course, by the time C6 rolls around, the hair will be different, she'll be wearing makeup, and hopefully a little more than the mere towel pictured here) to submit. She's a double major in literature and psychology, so if you suddenly feel the urge to talk about Milton or Freud or anyone in between, she's your girl. She loves meeting people, and promises to be interesting, if for no other reason than she always manages to embarrass herself and laugh harder than anyone about it. She loves to dance, talk, be a social butterfly, laugh, be sarcastic and witty (or at least try to), drink, sing, and be generally entertaining to those around her. She adores Brit-accented goiz (girls 'n' boys. Good thing she gets to be surrounded by them next year)and people who speak German, so if you fall into those categories, please come and let her fetishize you. She should probably say something more interesting about herself, but unfortunately, she can't think of anything else right now. Maybe sometime in the near future she'll get that webpage that she's been promising to everyone up, and then you can know more than you ever wanted to.(E-mail her.) |
PeeWee is ideologically challenged. (E-mail him.) |
september writes: "I hail originally from the Michigan goth scene, where I learned to be expert in the art of Mopey-angsty Goth. However, my boi Peewee and I moved to the SF Bay Area in 1997 in time for C3, and since then I've picked up the art of Perky-Goth fairly well. ;) Peewee and I will be part of a small SF-area C6 group outing, if we can all find each other after our planes land! I hope to extend beyond our little SF-area cabal to meet and cavort with the rest of you freaks at C6." (E-mail her.) |
Aside from being the Gothic Martha Stewart, Trystan Bass is keeper of the & web production manager for a crazed music startup at In her non-existent spare time, she types away on a.g.f (where we look good so you don't have to) & once in a blue moon peeks into alt.gothic. This will be her 4th Convergence & the 2nd for her husband Thomas (who isn't goth but looks reallyreally good in black velvet anyway). (E-mail her.) |
and Jaded are eldergoths
from San Francisco. Pywacket is the IT Director (or Chief Cat
Herder) for The MiniMe Project and Jaded is the Technial Manager
of Customer and Professional Services for Brightmail. They are
having tremendous fun planning their (yes really) Halloween wedding,
raising their three cats and singing mary poppins tunes this very
moment. This is their first convergence together.
writes: "I just barely moved to the Bay Area from Salt Lake City,
Utah. Professionally, I am an HTML wench. Non-professionally, I
drink beer. I like San Fran because I often get to say, "No, I'm
not mormon, but my 12 wives are." Other junk: I do the site A Study of Gothic Subculture. I used to DJ for Submersion and do a zine called Eklectique before I moved from SLC. This is my second Convergence and first time in Seattle. |
Chessie writes: "okee, i no longer have quite this much hair. and no eye squiggles. anyway, i'm coming with the boy ryan a.k.a. duckhead and will be staying with the lovely diva posse. fear us, as we will have a lincoln town car and a kitchen full of alcohol. if you see a stumpy girl with a BRIGHT pink cheshire cat backpack, it's likely me. as i'm starting a new job next week i'll be super happy and will probably tackle some of you - i'll warn you via email in advance ;)" (E-mail her.)
Bella writes: "I'm a convention freak, working many pagan and sf/fantasy/comic conventions. This is my first Convergence. I'll be traveling with Zoe and Beltain, sharing a room at the Crowne Plaza with Patricia. Other than goth my main sub-culture is Pagan. You can also find me at my Kemetic site. (E-mail her.) |
is a recently converted perkigoth living in the SF Bay Area. She's
never been to a Convergence before, and is very excited about it!
If you see her looking lost - she prolly is. Say hi and point her
in the direction of... well, something interesting!
(E-mail her.) |
San Fransisco spooky types may have seen raytrace at some of the more popular goth clubs in the area. You may have even seen the fish! This year, she's going to convergence (without the fish) for the very first time, and expects to have a merry dark time. What does Rachel do when not indulging in lace+velvet? Besides slaving for a start-up company, the little time she has left is spent gardening, learning german, and dreaming about robots.(E-mail her.) |
sky is an expression receptor & reception:ist. spindles poetry, short fiction, paintings, photography, digital imagery, sings/programs music. attendee of convergence 2. E-mail Sky. |
Jenz writes: "I am traveling up to C6 this year with my room mate Andi Payn .. I will be giving out some free cds and stuff and also selling some cds as well if anyone is interested hunt us down .. Um oh yeah .. this is my first Convergence .. and Andi's third.. I am looking forward to seeing my girl Yen and her Otterley as well as a crap load of other people. oh yeah something about me .. um let me think .. i have a short attention span unless i am thinking about vodka .. if you meet me keep in mind i am going to be slightly more intoxicated then i am usually am but oh well it is a vacation right???" E-mail Jenz. |
Mark aka SoulGarden writes: "This will be the third Convergence I've been to, and so far every one has been a blast. I'm an ameture photographer, so I'll have several of my (older) cameras(no digital yet) with me and taking pictures galor. I love to take pictures (great way to meet women..grin), so don't be surprised if ya get a camera in your face and you hear "Say something goth!" Plus if ya see me ask me to take your pic and talk to me. Oh...and I'll be going with a good friend kellin(see website)." (E-mail him.) |
Mistress Cinka writes: "The mastermind behind The Gothic Preservation Society, this will be my second Convergence (New Orleans being the first). I think most of all I'm looking forward to the view from the spaceneedle, keeping myself from becoming deathly ill (caught the flu last year) and maintaining a high level of alcohol in-take. Naturally, this will all commence after a grueling 18 hour drive North. See you there!" |
Andre writes: "Good Evening Ladies and Gents, Convergence is three days from now, and I at last cast of the shackles of procastination and attach my bio and photo to this page. I am recently arrived from Austin, TX and am trying to adjust to a rather small Scene here on the Central Coast. But worry not, it will only slow my plans for global domination slightly! ;) Okay if you see a bit of color that looks rather like some odd gothic-gypsy-hippy frolicking in the streets or whirling on the dance floor, come up and introduce yourself. I am a friendly bloke always interested in meeting new folks." (E-mail him.) |
Jamie aka incorpore writes: "'as fathomable as a Cheshire Cat' er, eh, what do people really want to know? This event marks something of a return to social life for me, having been sequestered in the dreary halls of school and work for the last year. I'm looking forward to getting a job in computers (original, eh?), being thoroughly irritated with my current job, even though it's really morbid, and I get to watch people die from time to time (which is actually the highlight of an otherwise tedious occupation: I watch heart monitors, ie, 'the machine that goes pingA HREF="">E-mail him.) |
amely is an East Coast transplant luring an impatient older sister from New York. "I don't drink, don't smoke... ummm why did I want to go again? Oh yeah... to be with friends, a sister, and see and meet all the amazing people coming." (E-mail her.) |