Attendees from the Midwest
Illinois: |
SpyderMunky and Corleen write: "One of us is a perkygoth, three guesses which!" SpyderMunky and Corleen met at the Masquerade Ball during C5 when he bravely climbed the banister to compliment her costume. They've been sickeningly inseperable ever since, except during weekdays, being as Corleen lives in Milwaukee, WI, and he lives in Chicago. This will be SpyderMunky's third Convergence, and Corleen's second. Corleen would like to encourage any foot-fetishists to visit our hotel room after a long day of shopping. |
The Evil Chemist writes: "As always, I'm looking forward to Convergence. I've been able to attend the last 3 and have not been dissappointed. I'll be coming in wednesday, so be only the lookout for a short, stocky, swarthy, guy drinking your beer and invading your dance space. I can usually found among the Sad Old Goths or the two perverts." (E-mail him.) |
^batty^ writes: "arrr, me hardies! avast and prepare to be boarded and plundered or be fed to the sharks!" (E-mail her.) |
Jim and Slash write: "We live in Chicago and absolutely love the city & insist that everyone at least visit. We moved here from Minneapolis, MN in 1998 and although that city has its good things (like lots of great and true friends), we've found home here. There's plenty o' info on our "thrift shop home page" that you should find a link to here. C5 was our first, we loved it, and now plan to make it every year. Most of you won't know us, since we don't seem to have time for more than the occasional, brief AG lurk. I (Slash) am not very social and haven't mastered the art of small talk, but I'm by no means shy or rude, so just come up & say hi. Jim, on the other hand, is far more the butterfly, so he just might start a conversation with you & suddenly it'll dawn on you where you've seen him before..." (E-mail them.) |
Scary Lady Sarah writes: "This will be my 4 Convergence, & the 3rd I've had the honour of deejaying at! I look forward to meeting many of you! Get ready to dance to new Goth. :) (My secondary web site, btw, is at: www.GothicChicago.com/scary/html.)" (E-mail her.) |
rachael's.surrender aka Reuben writes: "This is my second convergence attendance. I'm going to drag my arse from Chicago to Seattle because I had a great time during C5, and also that some friends of mine made all the arrangements (I'm lazy as hell, you see...). Hope to see you
there. Come up and say hi! don't be a stranger!" (E-mail him.) |
Indiana: |
AngelSil will be making the long haul from the backwards land of Indiana with boy in tow. We're looking forward to seeing friends from C5 and Hallowmas. All will be taking up residency at the Crowne Plaza. As usual the goal is insobriety, lots of dancing and shopping and enough No Doz to go sleepless for several nights. AngelSil has vowed not to dive in after any drunken goths who go overboard on the cruise. |
Peter writes: "This will be my second convergence...i don't know how i'm getting there but the motivation will carry me...i currently live in indianapolis and play for the Horror punk band "the Cryptomaniacs"...i'm a contract graphic designer and will be working for access indiana/indiana higher education technical services as a network engineer shortly...You probably don't know me because i only lurk alt.gothic.....email me if you want to know any more, about me, the indianapolis goth scene, or my band" |
mykal d'archangel writes: Convergence 6 will be my first, and I am indeed excited about it. I enjoy traveling a great deal and I have never been to Seattle. I'm certainly excited to attend such a large gathering of like minded folks as well. While I post a decent amount to alt.gothic, I also hang out on the CorpGoth website as well. They're planning a few less formal get-togethers over the C6 week-end that should prove interesting. |
Clid Duhn writes: "Hi, I'm clif (no spooky handle). See you there." (E-mail him.) |
Kansas: |
writes: "Ok, so yeah, the photo is a sketch... You can see pics
of my on my site if you must :) I can be found online on agf, with
a small voice on ag, can be more outspoken in person, and hopefully
very approachable. I am looking forward to seeing many friends again-
from all over the world! Look for me on the dance floor, not on
the boat, and doing much window shopping. Did someone say boots?
Did someone say long conversations?" |
Tiffany aka ThisEnnui or Myria is an artist/fashion designer from the middle of the pyramid-spiked bible belt. Lots of fun, for a girl. Email her. |
Kentucky: |
Leathe writes: "This will be my fourth Convergence and I will be traveling completely solo!!!! I am a hair stylist and stuck just outside of Louisville, KY where there is no scene. It's my first time to Seattle, my first trip alone and the first time I'll fly in a plane!!!! I am a subscriber to alt.gothic.fashion." |
Michigan: |
Mac "the human multi-tool" Ross writes: "I'm Mac. Yes that one. I'll be heading to C6 from Detroit on motorcycle. Wave if I pass you. This will be my 4th Convergence & 1st time in Seattle. Contact me if you require Travel assistance, or have any questions about anything else I'm involved in (IPM, the vote, Detgoth, DGP, etc etc etc). Meanwhile, listen to IPM radio. ;) See you all at C6." |
Miss Sara aka Lady Retsyn writes: "I'm Sara - one of the crazy IPM DJs. (If you don't listen to the show, you really should!) I'll most likely be nearby Mac for the weekend. This will be my very first convergence and I'm looking forward to meeting all the people I've heard stories about for so long. I'm super shy in big crowds, but I hope to overcome my fears and make lots of new friends." (E-mail her.) |
Debra, the Lady Jvar writes: "*faux sigh* One of the Crustygoths from the Metro Detroit area to venture out to C6. Setting standards statewide for tall, vintage Gothic role models. Married to the oldest (& sweetest) Michigan-based DetGoth - Orienell." (E-mail her.) |
Orienell writes: "Unlike my beautiful wife Jvar I prefer to call myself a "finewinegoth". I'm the second oldest goth on the DETGoth list and one of the moderators. I just enjoy life and find the gothic community still knows how to have fun. See you in Seattle!" (E-mail him.) |
Michelle aka Dethinwntr writes: "First Convergence ever, heard to many stories to miss another one. *Little Helper* for Dark Queen of Carpe Mortem Records out of Detroit, we will be traveling out there together along with a gaggle of other Detroiters." (E-mail her.) |
Michele aka Dark Queen and Batgrrl, writes: "I am looking forward to my first Convergence as well as returning to Seattle. I can't wait to see all my friends outside of Detroit and meet some news friends too. I run Carpe Mortem Records with the help of my lovely EA Dethinwntr. Looking forward to seeing all of you!" (E-mail her.) |
Nyte Chylde writes: "Well, this will be my second Convergence, the first being last year in New Orleans. I had a wonderful time and met some very nice people, so I figured I would make a cross country trek to do it all again! I am flying out with my dear friend Kore and a bunch of the DetGoths. That's right. Detroit is invading Seattle, with a perky goth in tow! Seattle needs more perky people! ;o) If you recognise me, be sure to say hello. I adore meeting new people... and what better place? Long live the Art Mize Drinking Game (tm)!" Additional web page: http://redrival.com/krista (E-mail her.) |
Kore aka Monica writes: "This will be my third Convergence and my first trip to Seattle. I am well spotted by the obnoxious flash of light every few seconds.. and a drunken smile that snines just as bright.... Oh and I'm modest too :) I can't wait to experience a new city with old friends.. and I'm very excited to see some new faces and meet many more people. I'll be flying in with my good friend Nyte and staying at the Plaza with Mozai and Sarah from Toronto. See you in Seattle!" (E-mail her.) |
Minnesota: |
Raised in a decaying river town, the Haakon is known to make odd sounds with random electronics. Prone to rare fits of socializing, he is coming to his second Convergence to seek out his Kansas City associates, and others of the psychotic jet-set. Approach only with caution and/or vodka. |
Missouri: |
MYSdeAth aka Alyssa writes: "A few traveling companions and I will be fleeing from Kansas City for our first Convergence. I lurk on alt.gothic.fashion, and maintain the Kansas City Goths mailing list/website. Looking forward to meeting some new people, and dancing my arse off." (E-mail her.) |
Shawna writes: "My friends Mysdeath and Travis will be coming from Kansas City. This is my first Convergence and I hope to meet alot of new friends. I tend to be a wall flower when it comes to meeting new people,so please help me come out of my shell! Although I'm shy, once I have a drink or two, you'll see me doing my lovely spins on the dance floor! (my site is under construction, please forgive me)" (E-mail her.) |
This is Travis. He will be accompanying MysDeath and Shawna from Kansas City. Look for the guy hiding in the corners or just (e-mail him.) |
Ohio: |
Although Madylyn swore there would never be a reason why she'd want to visit Seattle, C6 provided her with one. In May, she will travel a million miles from Cincinnati to attend her third Convergence [C1 & C5], and she's excited already!!! But what else would you expect from a perky? |
Cossack & Tatyana will be traveling to Seattle from Columbus, Ohio as part of their honeymoon. Yes, that's right, they're finally tying the knot on May 20, after 3 years of living in sin :>). This will be Cossack's 4th and Tatyana's 3rd Convergence. Many of you probably know Cossack already for his years of faithful service as the Gothic Babe Of The Week website webmaster. It has become a tradition to post some of the female C6 attendees on the GBOTW website before and after Convergence. So, if you are a female goth with a decent webpage & a pic, please submit yourself at staff@industrialgothic.com. (E-mail them.) |
Wisconsin: |
Ivan writes: "I will be flying out
from Mo-waukee wisconSIN. This is my third convergance. I am looking
very forward to spending a few days drunk and unaware of whats going
on at work." |
ellykin writes: "I'm sure that all of you are just knock-down thrilled that I'll be at yet another C*. I mean, who isn't overjoyed at the thought of an elly? It's all about the Diva Posse!" |
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