(2) Attendees from the Netherlands [out of (278)]

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Esther aka kreepygrly: This is my first convergence and my first time back to Chicago after moving to the Netherlands to be with Troy (aka Diamonddawg) over a year ago. I am so excited to see all my old friends and I am looking forward to making many more new ones... Send Email.
troy aka diamonddawg (formerly known as dawnraz0r): This is my second Convergence and I'm looking forward to coming back to Chicago again with the luverly kreepygrly. Short bio... hmmm... I run the website for dutchgothic.org and the LJ for Dutchgothic and the WGT meetingpoint, also promotor/dj for onderstroom & resurrection in the Netherlands. Looking forward to see the Brides and frank the Baptist and hoping to meet a bunch of new people, or online peeps I know but never had the pleasure to meet irl :)
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