Ah, yes... once again, the time draws near when the dark denizens of the net will make their way to a single point on the map for mischief, mayhem, and really strong drinks... It's almost time for Convergence 10!

For more information, please visit the Convergence 10 website.

The point of the listing is to help you get to know people. Once you visit their sites or read their blurbs, you can feel a little more comfortable about chatting with them at Convergence.
Canada (12)    
The Netherlands (2)    
UK (9)    
The USA:
   East (31)    South (+DC) (29)
   Midwest (125)    West (71)

Tuesday, May 4th, 5:30 pm Central time: The form has been disabled. Sorry if you missed the deadline, but I gotta go finish packing, too! I'll see you all in Chicago. Don't forget to come introduce yourself to me (see my profile if you don't know who I am)! -- Madelyn

Rollcall implemented and maintained by Madelyn Boudreaux (madelyn @ gothics.org), and hosted by Utah GOTHICS.

Utah G.O.T.H.I.C.S.