In early April, goths, freaks, deathrockers, industrial kids, and darkwavers from all walks of life and points of the globe will make their mopey way to New Orleans for Convergence 5. For more details, see the Convergence 5 website. This should prove to be great fun.
So far, I know of attendees from California, D.C., Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, London, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusettes, Montreal, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin. This is certainly not all of the attendees - C5 will be attended by hundreds of people - but these are the ones who have asked to be included on this page. Once you visit their sites or read their blurbs, you can feel a little more comfortable about chatting with them at Convergence. If you're attending C5 and want to be added, send mail to Madelyn -- madelynb@tomax.com.
California: |
| Rain Graves has published short fiction, poetry, and articles as well as collaborations with other authors such as David N. Wilson & Brett Savory. Upcoming 1999 publications include OUT OF THE SHADOWS AND INTO THE NIGHT, an anthology edited by Pam Keesey and Rick Reed, with other contributing authors including Nancy Kilpatrick, Tom Piccirilli, Seth Lindberg, etc.(1999 D.I.G.), OUTSIDE ITS CAGE: A Pet Shelter Benefit Anthology edited by Matt Johnson--other authors who agreed to contribute include Poppy Z. Brite, Caitlin Kiernian, Jack Ketchum, Richard Laymon, etc. (1999 Obsidian Press), BAD NEWS, an anthology edited by Richard Laymon, other authors who agreed to contribute include Ray Garton, Jack Ketchum, Lucy Taylor, Tom Piccirilli, etc. (Cemetary Dance), and the first anthology offered by BARE BONE Magazine, including Yvonne Navarro, Tom Piccirilli, David N. Wilson, etc. She is also the Featured Poet in The Urbanite, No. 11, and recently a full length interview with her was published in VAMPEROTICA Magazine #2. She now edits fiction for SFgoth's ERRATA: An Online Journal of the Dark (first issue premiering March 3rd, 1999). |
Midnight is visiting C5 with Rain (above) and Katrina (from Kansas, below). |
| Hello I am Mystress Prynne: My first Convergence was C4 in Toronto. I had the greatest time, even though I kept pretty much to myself. This time I'll be staying in the official hotel, so I'm sure my business will be EVERYONE'S business. : ) My boyfriend, Edward will be joining me. This will be his first Convergence. We are really excited. Did I mention that I've already packed. Well, you know, there's only a month left! |
Wee Lizbet: "Um, stuff about me...I live in California. I have a passion for music and dance: I enjoy tap dancing. I have a very beautiful kitty who, unfortunately wont be attending Convergence. His brother and sister and her kittens still live in Utah, which is where we were from originally." |
District of Columbia: |
| Michael and Billi: What to say, mm my girlfriends a struggling computer graphics wiz and I'm just an on and off mopey/perky goth that likes to dance -- Pepito Dismal
Goth.code 3.1: GoZZ1$ TFeAn6 PLShE B/30Bk!]5"2z1 cBk_s6 V6s M4 ZGoPuMe C521- n5 b54 h168 g4!??95A mEa3Na1@54? w9! v7M5 r8P5 p1ZZZZZz D56!* h7(FeAn) sMnSsWw k6BDspNZ N696EW RzS*1 LusMD3 |
Artemis: This will be my first convergence. My husband and I will be flying to NOLA from the DC area. I'll be the 6'2" grrly with the red hair and silly accent. Um..as to things people want to talk to me about, I'm pretty friendly and will chat about just about anything. And I only bite if you are really nice to me. I'm an IRC goff, and have recently started bombarding a.g.f with posts. Aside from Artemis, I've been known as Skatha, Sacrifice, DreamWvr and, currently, Boadicea. But Artemis seems to be how most know me. |
Georgia: |
| Blu is working and living in Atlanta and is as an artist in her spare time. She's currently a co-organizer of the C5 Art Show.
Russ is kindly referred to as "The Goth Father" in Atlanta. If he's not giving advice he's practicing his hobbie- photography. He also likes to have his head rubbed (haha!).
|  |
Urbana, Il : |
This is Cyd the quasi-goth. he has gotten much better at face painting, and enjoys juggling as well. this is his first convergence, but as he is quite the friendly little freak, he is quite approachable. as a psych degree holder, he enjoys conversations involving the human condition, but can talk your ear off about most anything. have you hugged a cyd today? |
Kansas: |
| Katrina: I'm a 28-year old who spends most of her days doing bookkeeping for a portion of an agricultural-based college (I know, *yawn*) and a lot of her nights writing vampire erotica (it keeps me out of the bod mod parlors, anyway *smile*). Some of my short stories have been featured in VAMPEROTICA MAGAZINE, and in adult comic format in VAMPEROTICA: RED REIGN, VAMPIRE CONFESSIONS, and VAMPEROTICA TALES. If you want to know more about me, you can vist my only slightly out-dated site (the biggest change is that very soon I'll be single again--yay!). I'm also a New Orleans and "goth gathering" virgin (the closest goth-friendly clubs or stores are a few hours away from me *pout*), so this promises to be an interesting trip. I'll be attending C5 with my friend Rain Graves and her friend, Midnight (both from California, above). |
London, UK: |
Crimson: "I will be staying at the marriott from 31st-5th, and is coming from London with several others (not necessarily traveling together): gothpat & john/marge/karl/frossi/others. damn, i wish i had something interesting to say about myself. i'm really looking forward to meeting everyone, especially those from a.g.f. duh, well, that's about all really." |
Louisiana: |
| Joseph spends most of his days in a small brown cube working for a big blue company. On weekends he has been seen dancing badly while mouthing the German bits in "Marian." |
Trish is an enviroGoth working for the Feds (yes, a Woman in Black). She can be found plunging through swamps by day and roaming the urban forest by night. A shy and cautious creature, she can be lured to human company with industrial music or chocolate. This particular specimen (pictured) bit the photographer and ran off with his PalmPilot. |  |
Maryland: |
| Lady Lamia a.k.a. Erin: "I'm a ::whispers:: Convergence Virgin. Be nice to me !!! ;-) I'm a perky goff - doesn't my picture just *ooze* happy-smilie goodness? If you see me just come on up and say hi!" |
Massachusettes: |
| Tyg3r and Chasz are both college students in Lowell, studying computer science. Tyg3r enjoys creating digital art and beadwork. Chasz likes martial arts and gaming. Both are bouncy perkygoffs and avid readers.
Di is a boston netgoth who is looking forward to her second convergence. she is an admin/webmistress by day and her hobbies include reading, travel, and music. |  |
We are Bratling & Catling, and will be attending C5 as part of our honeymoon, in no small part because we met just before C2. We are 2/5ths of Folkvang in Somerville (Boston) MA. Catling is a murkygoth who dances, sings, paints, and happens to work at a software company. Bratling is a murkygoth print/web designer, a principal of Third Design, and a sysadmin for a Boston non-profit. Please note that PURPLE plays a major role in all this and that Bratling has an unnatural affinity for gargoyles. |
Montreal (Quebec, Canada): |
| Uriel - Gothic/Ethereal DJ, Angelologist, Amateur Graphic Designer, Audiophile, Obsessive CD Collector. Goals include buying a church and renovating it into a house/nightclub, starting a gothic distribution company, killing Emperor Palpatine after making my own lightsaber, getting the placid Montreal goth community to start appreciating good music, getting every gothic CD every released. Likes include trashy graveyard goths, victorian goths, chinese food, kulty stuff, Autumn (the group), candy, cats, mandarin collared shirts.
Archduke is coming down from Montreal along with Uriel and Cle0. He is a self-described cynical elder-goth, corporate-slave-goth by day and DJ by Night. He spins with DJ's Uriel & Panik @ club Ezra, Montreal's only pure-goth club, droning out Darkwave at Heresy on Thursday nights and hammering out Elektro at Synapse on Friday Nights. He is also a stealth-geek of the worst kind: telnet generation, ex BBS sysop, UNIX system programmer and Java guru extraordinaire. Asides from goth, code, art, and his s.o, his passions are Kung-Fu fighting and Kung-Fu cooking. |
New York: |
| Leonardo is a NYC victorian/romantic/fetish goth depending on his mood. By day he works for an internet marketing company and by night is co-founder of thegothicshoppe.com. He also occasionally contributes to SKIN TWO magazine (http://www.skintwo.co.uk) and can see his review of c4 and pictures at http://www.thegothicshoppe.com/c5/c4.html.
Carrin (Ribbons): I just recently moved from Texas to New York. After being here a mere 6 months, I have discovered quite an expansive (compared to Texas) goth/vampire nightlife and made some new friends in the process. I will be attending C5 with Rita, Bert & Angel...I'm hoping to see some old friends from the south there as well. I have been to New Orleans numerous times ... so if you recognize me and need some directions or just basic questions about the city, please feel free to ask. I love music, dancing, writing, the net, NYC, all things morbid and HTML (what a great discovery). I go by Carrin RT, and ribbons & Shadow Searcher on the net....I'll answer to either Carrin or ribbons if you scream it REAL loud....bitch works too. |
Carrin is travelling with Rita (left, with Carrin), Bert (center), and Angel (Right, with Carrin):  |
Ohio: |
| Dismal and Satanatas - Columbus, OH |
Pennsylvania: |
November is from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 23yr old goth girl, one of the organizers of the Egghunt on sunday |
![]() |
Utah: |
 | Madelyn (originally from Louisiana) is a gothic DJ (see Submersion), an ethnic dancer, director of Utah GOTHICS, and awfully perky for her advanced age. She works as a Lotus Notes programmer and website designer, has a B.A. in Anthropology and an M.A. in English and Folklore, and designed this page (as well as the Utah GOTHICS and Utah.Goth mailing list pages). |
Anthony, Madelyn's catamite, is a self-described geek, and will talk to you about anything as long as it relates to computers or physics. He works for an aerial mapping company, and doesn't mind being dominated. He is also a director of Utah GOTHICS and runs the Utah.Goth mailing list. |  |
 | Alicia is a gothic DJ (see Submersion) and has a lot to say about gothic stuff at her Subculture site. She's a Star Trek geek, and edits Eklektique, a really cool 'zine! She's a philosphy major at the University of Utah and does webpage design, including the Submersion, Eklektique, and Subculture sites. |
Donya is an aspiring network administrator, and currently works in the exciting field of software testing. She's unabashedly perky and will dress like a fairy or a flapper and is all hyped about GOTHICS, too. |  |
 | Maxie is a fabulous artist with a BA in Studio Art; she's also a self-described perkygoth. Originally from Minnesota, Maxie is an Amazon Goth Goddess, daughter of a preacherman, and lover of Chartreuse. |
Jeff is our captive photographer who does really excellent work and plays up our vanity by snapping pics of us on various outings. Jeff did the photos of Maxie and Donya, above. |  | |
Also attending:
Ann and William
Kevin and Becca
Alice and Stevan (Rumor has they won't be coming...)
Dean (aka Dieter)
Colby Jon (maybe)
Virginia: |
Porphyria doesn't have much to say about herself at the moment, but she claims that she is a student in Northern Virginia that desperately wants to escape. She *hearts* industrial music.. lots.. and likes dancing, long walks on the beach (hehehe *gag*), and driving fast cars. |  |
| Jen Summers will be tagging along with Porphyria, she's a drama
queen and a Convergence Virgin. She especially loves New Orleans accents. |
Wisconsin: |
Corleen: A sweetheart from the milgoth mailing list. She's a computer programmer [Cobol(?), but she'll be moving up to something better soon.]. |
| Keith: Kendra's Husband, and a computer guru of the highest magnitude with an incurable addiction to computer hardware. He's recently become a consultant and has experience w/ Unix, Linux, Java, C++, C and some other things. Loves Industrial and Darkwave.
Kendra: Lackey by day, dancer and goth by night. "I love all kinds of music, if I can dance to it, I will. I love goth music, ethereal, darkwave, and some industrial. My most distinguishing characteristics are I am 5' tall and have a tattoo between my breasts of a gothic style ankh w/roses twined around it." |  |