Attendees from the Midwest |
Illinois: |
Bex aka (Poster Girl with no Poster): Once again, I'll be making
the trek from the center of the country to the coast for a Convergence.
The Girlfriend will be making the trek with me this year. This is my second
Convergence (and second trip to NY). Since C6, I've left the world of
non-profit health care fundraising for an attempt at a Master's degree
in Library and Information Science. |
Rachel aka Gleipnir: I'm so excited to attend my first convergence...
I've been a net.goth for 2+ years now (and regular on #agf). I also recently
made a move from Madison, WI to Chicago-area, IL. I'm looking forward
to meeting (and shopping!) with everyone! Send
Email. |
Juniper: This shall be my first Convergence as long as nothing
happens in the next 3 weeks *crosses fingers* I shall be hiking in from
the great midwest exspanses of corn ready to act the tourist. Say Hi if
you want, but don't expect me to remember your name. |
Jennifer K. Dare: I was born and raised in the Midwest and
had a very good time being the thorn in the local pumpkin patch until
I turned eighteen. I've gone East of the Sun and West of the Moon since
then, and have paused back at the center briefly to check my compass.
I'm the only strong dose of creepy left in my part of Illinois, and I'm
looking forward to meeting fellow participants of C7. Send Email. |
Indiana: |
AngelSil: I'm moderator of IndyGoth list and a vocal member of
CorpGoth. This will be my 3rd Convergence. I'll be escaping my corn prison
again to convene with fellow goths to drink, dance, and debauch. Send
Email. |
Kansas: |
Yosa: Yes yes,
Dorothy jokes aside, I will be returning to Kansas once C7 is over. I
look forward to seeing old and new friends at C7- at the
shopping trip, as well as the official events, etc. I am planning to have
my very first fashion show (ever!) so am very excited! As always I am
really looking forward to seeing, dancing, and gathering with everyone
:-)(Send E-mail.) |
Darren Nolen aka Darren: I am looking forward to seeing everyone
again. This will be my 4th Convergence and this time my friend James (from
C4) will also accompany. I am highly optimistic as this time I have no
"fiance' of death" to pitch fits and raise the drama level... ;> Send
Email. |
Michigan: |
Corinne aka The Pretty Things are Going to Hell: Yes well, anywho...
I'm a semi-newbie-longtime-lurker who isn't all that involved in a scene
IRL. This is my first convergence, and I look forward to actually meeting
all these people I "know". I'm rather poor with biographies, but I'm a
good answerer, so if you want to know anything, just ask me! Send
Email. |
Katherine aka angel: I'm from Detroit and this is my first convergence.My
website covers just about everything you'd ever want to know about me.
Come say hi if you see me in New York! Send Email. |
Nyte Chylde:
Well.. this will be my 3rd Convergence... Taking a flight at the butt-crack
of dawn on Friday to visit NYC for the first time.. Hopefully it doesnt
suck. ;o) Can't wait to bug a few of you in person! Note to new people..
do NOT try to take your handcuffs onto the plane. Makes the security people
a little nervous. Send Email. |
Michelle aka Dethinwntr: This is my second convergence, my first
time in NYC. I'll be meeting up with my boyfriend who lives in AZ so,
lots of reasons to be excited. Send
Email. |
Minnesota: |
Hailing from the weird state which is Minnesota, I will be attending my
third consecutive Convergence, and trying incredibly hard to rope-in as
many of my associates from Convergences-past to accompany me once again.
I am a dj at the Warehouse Club (in the form of my alter-ego, Dj Mum-Ra),
and I also make electronic music that nobody can dance to. Send
Email. |
Missouri: |
Elizabeta aka Veronika Death: Greetings....This is my first
Convergence ever. I am a socialable soul, don't hesitate to chat with
me if you meet me. I am intrigued with chemic beauty, vinyl, pvc, Egyptian
symbols, exquisite tatoos, platform shoes, reading Baudelaire, Rimbaud,
Poe, Poppy Z. Brite, coffee, thrifty clothes, corsets, red wines, danse,
& traveling. Send Email. |
Ohio: |
Madylyn: Finally, Madylyn [and her alter-ego] has gotten around
to sending off her money order and requesting time off in August. Once
again she'll be seeking a much needed respite from Cincinnati. She's eager
to meet up with people she's met online in the past year as well as those
she met at three previous Convergences (even those she promised alcohol
to), and she hopes to be just as friendly with as many new people. Send
Email. |
Cossack & Tatyana will be traveling to NYC from Columbus, Ohio
:>). This will be Cossack's 5th and Tatyana's 4th Convergence. They will
be in NYC Friday morning through Wednesday afternoon, staying at the Ameritania
Hotel, just down the street from the Warwick. Many of you probably know
Cossack already from his years of faithful service as the Gothic Babe
Of The Week website webmaster. It has become a tradition to post some
of the female Convergence attendees on the GBOTW website before and after
a Convergence. So, if you are a female goth with a webpage & a decent
pic, please submit yourself at
Send Email to Cossack
or to Tatyana. |
Jeff Crowell: Founder of the band, "Neurepublik", who will be
playing C7 on 17 August at 8pm. This is my first trip to convergence &
I'm looking forward to meeting a lot of new friends! Send Email. |
Wisconsin: |
elly rainbow aka _e, -eloquence-: If you know me, you know me.
If you don't, you don't. Send Email. |
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